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TIPP: vBadvanced Links Directory Vorschaubilder


Dat Chefchen
Persönlich bekannt
Über 18 Jahre alt!
Hallo zusammen,

wenn Ihr in die vBadvanced Links Directory vorschaubilder einfügen wollt so ist das ganze sehr einfach:

Einfach in die Templates gehen und in dem enstprechenden Style im Template "adv_links_linkbit" nach dem folgenden Code suchen:
(ganz oben)
 <td class="alt2"><img alt="" src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/$link[folder].gif" /></td>

 <td class="alt1"><span style="float:$stylevar[right]">

Diesen dann mit dem Code hier ersetzten:
<td class="alt2"><a href="showlink.php?l=$link[linkid]" target="_blank">
<img src="[URL]http://www.artviper.net/screenshots/screener.php?url[/URL]=
&q=90" alt="artViper thumbnails" longdesc="[url=http://www.artviper.net/tools.php]Website Tools artViper - mootools / website thumbnail / tag cloud[/url]" />

Und schon bekommt man in der Spalte vorne einen Screen-Shoot angezeigt!

Das ganze ist getestet mit der Version 2.0.1 auf einem vBulletin 3.6.x

Viel Spaß!!

AW: TIPP: vBadvanced Links Directory Vorschaubilder

Great mod, Micha!!!

But how do I get my links to show like yours?

On my site, I get the thumbnail on top, followed by the name underneath that, and then the description...

links directory

I would like to present the links like on your page, with the thumbnail to teh right, followed by the name and the description, but I cant find the option to change this...

I really hope you can help me out...

AW: TIPP: vBadvanced Links Directory Vorschaubilder

I look today an help you :)

In the moment i don´t habe time ;)
AW: TIPP: vBadvanced Links Directory Vorschaubilder

Hey Sig,

you forum is closed. do you have a test account for me?
AW: TIPP: vBadvanced Links Directory Vorschaubilder

Great mod, Micha!!!

But how do I get my links to show like yours?

On my site, I get the thumbnail on top, followed by the name underneath that, and then the description...

links directory

I would like to present the links like on your page, with the thumbnail to teh right, followed by the name and the description, but I cant find the option to change this...

I really hope you can help me out...


Hey Siggen,

tell me please a account for test.
I think i can help you.. ;)

Greetings from germany
AW: TIPP: vBadvanced Links Directory Vorschaubilder

Hey Siggen,

tell me please a account for test.
I think i can help you.. ;)

Greetings from germany

Jupp, just register as you normally do, and you get an account!

The forum is not published yet, Im still working with the functions before I open it up and release it here in Norway.

And I did figure out what was wrong, you had forgotten to include the

<td class="alt1"><span style="float:$stylevar

After putting in that, it worked as it should.

But the thumbnails dont show up anymore on new links, it just say "Image capturing process. Please stand by..." and have said that now for atleast a coulpe of days...

Do you have any advice?
